MNRE: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is a government of India ministry headed by an elected Union Cabinet Minister. It is primarily responsible for research and development, intellectual property protection, and international cooperation, promotion, and coordination in renewable energy sources such as wind, small hydro, biogas, and solar.

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MNRE Policy on Solar Plants
The ministry's broad objective is to develop and deploy new and renewable energy sources to supplement India's energy requirements. Anand Kumar is the current secretary of the ministry.
The ministry is headquartered in New Delhi on Lodhi Road. India has made significant strides in several renewable energy sectors, including solar energy, wind energy, and hydroelectricity, according to the Ministry's 2016-17 annual report.
The energy crisis of the 1970s resulted in the establishment of the Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE) in March 1981 within the Department of Science and Technology (India). The CASE was in charge of policy formulation and implementation, programme development for new and renewable energy, and coordination and intensification of R&D in the sector.
In 1982, the then-current Ministry of Energy established a new department, the Department of Non-conventional Energy Sources (DNES). DNES acquired CASE.
In 1992, the ministry was renamed the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources. It changed its name to its current one in October 2006.
The MNRE Ministry's mission is to ensure
1. Energy Security: Reduced reliance on imported oil via the development and deployment of alternative fuels (hydrogen, biofuels, and synthetic fuels) and their applications to help close the gap between domestic oil supply and demand;
2. Increased use of clean energy: Renewable energy sources (bio, wind, hydro, solar, geothermal, and tidal) to supplement fossil-fuel-based electricity generation;
3. Energy Availability and Access: Meet the energy needs of rural, urban, industrial, and commercial sectors for cooking, heating, motive power, and captive generation;
4. Energy Affordability: Cost-competitive, convenient, safe, and reliable new and renewable energy supply options; and Energy Equity: By 2050, per capita energy consumption will be comparable to the global average, owing to a sustainable and diverse fuel mix.
To develop new and renewable energy technologies, processes, materials, components, subsystems, products, and services that meet or exceed international specifications, standards, and performance parameters in order to position the country as a net foreign exchange earner in the sector and to deploy such indigenously developed and/or manufactured products and services in support of the national goal of energy security.
Significant functional areas
MNRE's primary functional areas or business allocations are as follows:
1. Integrated Rural Energy Programme (IREP)
2. Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE)
3. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA)
4. Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE)
5. Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE)
6. Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE)
7. Commission for Additional
8. Biogas research and development, as well as programmes relating to biogas units
9. Solar Energy, including the development, production, and application of solar photovoltaic devices
10. All matters relating to small/mini/micro hydel projects with capacities less than 25 MW
11. Other non-conventional/renewable energy sources research and development, as well as programmes related to them
12. Energy of the tides
13. Geothermal Energy
14. Biofuels: I National Policy; (ii) Research, development, and demonstration in transportation, stationary, and other applications; (iii) establishment of a National Biofuels Development Board and strengthening existing institutional mechanisms; and (iv) overall coordination.
Nehru, Jawaharlal National Solar Mission (JNNSM) - The Prime Minister launched the National Solar Mission on 11 January 2010. By 2022, the Mission has set an ambitious goal of deploying 20,000 megawatts of grid-connected solar energy. Additionally, the Government increased the target for Grid Connected Solar Power Projects from 20,000 MW to 100,000 MW by 2021-22, as approved by Cabinet on 17 June 2015.
National Program for Biogas and Manure Management (NBMMP)
Solar Lantern Initiative Solar Thermal Energy Demonstration Project at LALA
Programme for Lighting Remote Villages
Initiative for National Biomass Cookstoves (NBCI)
Authority nationale de l'énergie éolienne
The Ministry established the Association of Renewable Energy Agencies of States (AREAS) to facilitate coordination and sharing of best practises among the various state nodal agencies for renewable energy. The patron of the association is the Minister in charge of the MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy), while the Secretary of the MNRE serves as ex-officio president.
Initiative "One Sun, One World, One Grid": The ambitious initiative aims to connect 140 countries in South East Asia and the Middle East to a global solar energy grid. India first proposed the idea at the International Solar Alliance's 2018 assembly, with the goal of moving one step closer to the government's target of producing 40% of its energy requirements from renewable sources. The premise of this initiative is that "the sun never sets" and that it is constant at any given geographic location at any given time. This initiative will be led by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, with technical assistance from the World Bank.